Sunday, December 28, 2008
Vintage Driving Gloves

Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Goal
Harrison and I have a new goal for this year. We have decided that apartment renting is not for us any more. So our goal is by the time our lease is up we will have enough money for the down payment to rent a house. Since it is not our time to buy a house yet, we can at least rent one.
We have been having problem with a child running and pounding above us. The neighbors are very friendly above us and have apologized. Today was especially noisy. Harrison went up to talk to them and found out they are having the same problem above them. In fact it is so bad, the sprinkler cap fell off the ceiling and hit the grandma in the head. I feel so bad that they also have to deal with noises. It can be very frustrating. So I am finding out more and more that these so called "Luxury Apartments" are the kind where they put extremely nice appliances in, yet skimp on important things like "soundproofing" (which I might add they advertised they had). Since we have moved into this apartment, we have had more problems. We are still living in 50% humidity. I have decided that Seeno property living is NOT for us.
This new year is going to be a wonderful time to catch up on things, organize and save money. I am also very excited about crafting this year. I will have a better work space and get to finish all of my projects that have been put on hold. 2009 Here I Come!
We have been having problem with a child running and pounding above us. The neighbors are very friendly above us and have apologized. Today was especially noisy. Harrison went up to talk to them and found out they are having the same problem above them. In fact it is so bad, the sprinkler cap fell off the ceiling and hit the grandma in the head. I feel so bad that they also have to deal with noises. It can be very frustrating. So I am finding out more and more that these so called "Luxury Apartments" are the kind where they put extremely nice appliances in, yet skimp on important things like "soundproofing" (which I might add they advertised they had). Since we have moved into this apartment, we have had more problems. We are still living in 50% humidity. I have decided that Seeno property living is NOT for us.
This new year is going to be a wonderful time to catch up on things, organize and save money. I am also very excited about crafting this year. I will have a better work space and get to finish all of my projects that have been put on hold. 2009 Here I Come!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
2 1/2 years this Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is by far my favorite time of year. Growing up it was because that is when we would open presents. It became even more special the day I got married, because Christmas Eve marks the half way mark of our anniversary. So not only do I get to Celebrate the Reason for the Season, I also get to celebrate my marriage. There couldn't be a better combination in my eyes. So here is to Christ's Birth and 2 1/2 years of Marriage! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. And don't forget to Celebrate Christ's birth because that is the most important part of Christmas! :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Early Christmas Present!
Ok, so all week I have been enjoying my early Christmas Present. I cant believe that this gorgeous present is all mine! I made my usual monthly trip to my favorite store, Room With A Past. I walked in the door and came face to face with the most beautiful White Shabby Chic Hutch I have ever seen! It was in amazing condition and an excellent price! Harrison and I have been looking for a buffet table, but a hutch was even better. I called Harrison immediately and told him of its beauty and of course trusting my judgment Harrison said Yes! So I said, "Merry Christmas to me!" Harrison has always wanted to buy me a hutch so this was the perfect Christmas Present. Take a look below at this lovely find!
and After! I still have some rearanging to do. But for now this is how the hutch looks until I find the perfect spot for everything it holds. As soon as I get everything in my apartment just the way I want it. I MUST share pictures with you of everything I have bought from Room With A Past. I find so many treasures at this store!
Can you say super Cute?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tootsie's Flour Bath
Our little bird Lily bit our Cockatiel Tootsie's foot so bad she started bleeding like crazy. If you know about birds, you know that it doesn't take much loss of blood to die. Frantic, I grabbed the flour and poured it on the coffee table. After her flying around scared and bleeding, Harrison and I finally were able to grab our scared Tootsie and wrap her in a towel to attend to her wound. If you know Tootsie, you know this can be a difficult thing. She loves to cuddle, be close to you, and will even stand on your finger on command... But she is very scared of hands.
Flour or Corn Startch is what stops the bleeding. So I dunked her little feet in the flour to try and stop the bleeding. While Harrison called the emergancy vet, I sat with her to make sure she didnt start bleeding again. After a few minutes of her preening and standing on one foot she waddled over to me to cuddle.
Her foot stopped bleeding and just had pink sores on it. So for bedtime I rolled her close to our bedroom in case she got nightfright and hurt herself further. Today, you couldnt even tell she had hurt herself.
I am so thankful that the Lord was watching out for our birdie and kept her safe. She is really special to Harrison and I. I would be devistated if anything happened to our Tootsie Girl. I am just thankful that no matter what life throws at us. The Lord is always there to comfort us.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cuddle Buddie
Today, Tootsie did something very sweet. I was sitting on the couch enjoying the Christmas tree and a Rawhide while crocheting a doily with Tootsie sitting on my knee. I looked over and saw her cuddling with her foot! I was able to grab my camera which just happened to be right next to me, and shot a few pictures. Here are three pictures that I captured.

Christmas Spirit!
We have our tree, I am 98% finished decorating, have been knitting and crocheting like crazy for presents, and have been watching Christmas movies left and right. Buying and decorating the tree this year was a real treat. Harrison and I grabbed our hot chocolate, borrowed my dad's truck and headed off to find the perfect Christmas Tree. The next evening we had a wonderful time decorating the tree while watching our favorite Christmas film "White Christmas". Oh yes, and don't forget the Hot chocolate, with marshmallows, and whip cream.
Our birds also came out and enjoyed the fun. Lemon had to help Harrison decorate.
Coming soon....The Early Christmas Present
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thanksgiving out, Christmas in
Christmas time has come upon us now and I have already caught the Holiday Spirit....
Friday, December 12, 2008
Van Johnson - end of a Golden Era

NEW YORK — Van Johnson, whose boy-next-door wholesomeness made him a popular Hollywood star in the '40s and '50s with such films as "30 Seconds over Tokyo," "A Guy Named Joe" and "The Caine Mutiny," died Friday of natural causes. He was 92.
Johnson died at Tappan Zee Manor, an assisted living center in Nyack, N.Y., said Wendy Bleisweiss, a close friend.
With his tall, athletic build, handsome, freckled face and sunny personality, the red-haired Johnson starred opposite Esther Williams, June Allyson, Elizabeth Taylor and others during his two decades under contract to MGM.......
Friday, December 5, 2008
Glass Explosion!
It was another normal night at the Farr household. The night before we had to evacuate our complex building with all the other tenants for the false fire alarm. This night we decided to have a glass explosion....
I was about to cook the most amazing dish that I found online. Harrison was in the computer room with the birds. I was in the bedroom on the laptop figuring out my game plan for dinner. My corningware glass baking lid was on the kitchen counter.
To my horror, I heard sliding baking sheets in the kitchen followed by an explosion of glass. While jumping from the bed with a scream, Harrison darted out of the bird room with a "What Happened?!" We both arrived at the same time to see the carnage of my glass lid. It literally exploded. The biggest piece of glass left was the little handle. Glass had flown across the dining room and some even wedged into appliances. Shards everywhere! Thank goodness no one was even near this explosion. The kitchen tile and dining room carpet were covered in glass!
I guess this just goes to show, it is never boring around my apartment!
After we cleaned everything up, I was finally able to start the amazing recipe I found. :) We had Mozzarella filled turkey meat balls with a tomato & basil pesto sauce. It turned out great and it was super easy to make. Not a fan of raw meat though.
I was about to cook the most amazing dish that I found online. Harrison was in the computer room with the birds. I was in the bedroom on the laptop figuring out my game plan for dinner. My corningware glass baking lid was on the kitchen counter.
To my horror, I heard sliding baking sheets in the kitchen followed by an explosion of glass. While jumping from the bed with a scream, Harrison darted out of the bird room with a "What Happened?!" We both arrived at the same time to see the carnage of my glass lid. It literally exploded. The biggest piece of glass left was the little handle. Glass had flown across the dining room and some even wedged into appliances. Shards everywhere! Thank goodness no one was even near this explosion. The kitchen tile and dining room carpet were covered in glass!
I guess this just goes to show, it is never boring around my apartment!
After we cleaned everything up, I was finally able to start the amazing recipe I found. :) We had Mozzarella filled turkey meat balls with a tomato & basil pesto sauce. It turned out great and it was super easy to make. Not a fan of raw meat though.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Fire Alarm equals evacuate!
My days and evenings as of late haven't been to normal. Tonight was no exception. The day started well enough. I was feeling better after being sick in bed for 5 days. I cooked an after-thanksgiving-year-old-turkey (long story). I made the bed and did some other housework. When Harrison came home we had a nice dinner and a relaxing evening. Then it was time to settle into bed and watch an episode on the laptop.....so I thought.
The time was about 11:00pm. The whole apartment building Fire Alarm went off. This might not seem like to big a deal. But when you consider the alarm goes off inside your apartment AND outside, it definitely makes you jump!
So after making sure it was a false alarm, we uncovered the birds so they wouldn't be as afraid. Then we went outside to call for help along with everyone else who shuffled out of their apartments. 10 min later 2 fire trucks roll in. 5 min. later the apartment management showed up.
So we all spent the next 30 min. outside in the 45 degree weather waiting for them to figure out which alarm pull went off. Finally about 45 min after the alarm started they turned it off.
One thing about this new complex, they definitely keep you on your toes.

So after making sure it was a false alarm, we uncovered the birds so they wouldn't be as afraid. Then we went outside to call for help along with everyone else who shuffled out of their apartments. 10 min later 2 fire trucks roll in. 5 min. later the apartment management showed up.
So we all spent the next 30 min. outside in the 45 degree weather waiting for them to figure out which alarm pull went off. Finally about 45 min after the alarm started they turned it off.
One thing about this new complex, they definitely keep you on your toes.
Friday, November 28, 2008
4 am Madness!
Black friday. Woman in need of sheets. Cant resist over 60% off. Jcpenney card in hand. She leaves her sleeping husband in bed and heads off to JcPenney at 3:30 am with coupons in hand. Finds great deals. Comes home happy. The end. :)
Harrison thinks I'm nuts! But he loved what I came home with. So success! :) I saved over 60% off. I finally got that down comforter I have always wanted. Normally this 5 star down comforter is 300$. Me? I got it for 100$ :) And I got discounted sheets and comforter set! Can't beat that! Everything I bought was at the least 60% off.
Now all I need is a duvet cover.....hmm... drat. oh ya, and some sleep. zzzzzzzzz
Harrison thinks I'm nuts! But he loved what I came home with. So success! :) I saved over 60% off. I finally got that down comforter I have always wanted. Normally this 5 star down comforter is 300$. Me? I got it for 100$ :) And I got discounted sheets and comforter set! Can't beat that! Everything I bought was at the least 60% off.
Now all I need is a duvet cover.....hmm... drat. oh ya, and some sleep. zzzzzzzzz
Friday, November 21, 2008
Draining Pipe Over My Bath Tub?
Slowly, I am starting to get a little weary of our new apartment. Granted it is a beautiful area, all new appliances, the place looks amazing.... but there are 2 little problem areas that are just getting me a little down.
I noticed when we first moved in that there was an open pipe above our bath tub. A little weird in my opinion, but nothing was happening. So I ignored it. Until one day.... I was in the kitchen. I heard this weird sound. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the tub. The open pipe above our tub was streaming out water! Once it finally stopped it dripped the rest of the day. There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Something must not be right. Whenever the air conditioning went on it poured and dripped overflow.
We asked about it and we were told it was the overflow pipe from the air conditioning and that is how it was suppose to be. WHAT?!!!
Ok, a little confused here. I am expected to take a bath in that tub and never know when that pipe is going to poor or drip water on my head? I am also suppose to take showers with the air conditioner overflow pipe above my head? Ok, this seems a little bit absurd.
Maybe this is part of the reason why we have an average of 50% humidity in the apartment!!!!
Oh, yes, lets not forget that our heater is a humidifier! :P
It looks like we are going to have quite a battle next week dealing with all this. Just what I want to do Thanksgiving Week. But even with everything that has been hapening, I definitely have many things to be thankful for. :)
I noticed when we first moved in that there was an open pipe above our bath tub. A little weird in my opinion, but nothing was happening. So I ignored it. Until one day.... I was in the kitchen. I heard this weird sound. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the tub. The open pipe above our tub was streaming out water! Once it finally stopped it dripped the rest of the day. There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Something must not be right. Whenever the air conditioning went on it poured and dripped overflow.
We asked about it and we were told it was the overflow pipe from the air conditioning and that is how it was suppose to be. WHAT?!!!
Ok, a little confused here. I am expected to take a bath in that tub and never know when that pipe is going to poor or drip water on my head? I am also suppose to take showers with the air conditioner overflow pipe above my head? Ok, this seems a little bit absurd.
Maybe this is part of the reason why we have an average of 50% humidity in the apartment!!!!
Oh, yes, lets not forget that our heater is a humidifier! :P
It looks like we are going to have quite a battle next week dealing with all this. Just what I want to do Thanksgiving Week. But even with everything that has been hapening, I definitely have many things to be thankful for. :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
I have Returned...
Internet has arrived! I can finally start working on my business. I have this really cool craft room! I am so excited to start putting my workstation together. I still have so much to accomplish with this new apartment. I am slowly starting to feel like this is my home. As soon as we get the humidity problem taken care of and I finish setting up, things can get back to normal.
Is it normal for an apartment to be 50% humid? We got a humidity detector because I thought maybe I was going crazy. Not the case, at this moment outside it is 25% humid and in the apartment it is 50% humid. Hopefully the apartment can get this taken care of. I do not do well with humidity. :(
I still have so much to do, as usual, but am starting to accomplish so much! Let the creativity begin!
Is it normal for an apartment to be 50% humid? We got a humidity detector because I thought maybe I was going crazy. Not the case, at this moment outside it is 25% humid and in the apartment it is 50% humid. Hopefully the apartment can get this taken care of. I do not do well with humidity. :(
I still have so much to do, as usual, but am starting to accomplish so much! Let the creativity begin!
Friday, October 24, 2008
5 min.....
5 min....is all I have for this blog. Let me explain my life at the moment, new home almost full, old home almost empty, new home not yet home, no internet or phone till Nov 13, cell phone reception very bad, air conditioning on the fritz, Soaking tub amazing, energy zero, construction every where, new washer has cold and hot mixed, something needs to be fixed every day but doesn't, beautiful things about me....so many wonderful and annoying things happening all at once! Did I mention no internet till Nov 13th!? Oops! 5 minutes up, still have internet at old 90% empty apartment till 31st, better go pick up the hubby and get back to new home..... My home life is in limbo, when will the insanity end. :) Hopefully soon!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Egg
It was the birds bed time. Harrison went in to cover the birds. Harrison exclaimed "Oh, No!", and I knew. It was only a matter of time. Tootsie has been acting weird for the past 2 days. To Harrison's dismay and my dread, we saw it. The Egg! Our little birdie is the mama of an unfertilized egg. We were afraid she would lay one. She sits on her egg day and night only getting up to eat. Do not get near her egg or she hisses. So we had to move Lemon away from Tootsie, because Lemon is seen as a threat. There is a lot to deal with when a bird lays an egg. Not the greatest timing with our move.
Our move.... Well, the apartments are done! We went yesterday last minute and looked at a model of the kind we are getting. Ok, so I wont go into detail now because that is a whole other story. But I can say....."WOW!!!!! Its gorgeous!". It is beyond our expectations! :) The rest of the story coming as soon as we start moving....
Our move.... Well, the apartments are done! We went yesterday last minute and looked at a model of the kind we are getting. Ok, so I wont go into detail now because that is a whole other story. But I can say....."WOW!!!!! Its gorgeous!". It is beyond our expectations! :) The rest of the story coming as soon as we start moving....
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Treasured Experience....
It is not everyday where something happens and I have to blog about it....immediately. Today is one of those days. One thing I am going to miss about this apartment when we move is the window by my bed. At night when it is cold, it is left open to allow the fresh air to breeze through. We are on a second level next to a tree that blossoms soft white flowers in the spring time. It really is a beautiful thing to behold....waking up to blossoms. Sadly, it is not spring and I will never see those flowers bloom outside my window again..... But God's Creation has a way of surprising you. That is what happened to me today.....A small treasured blessing....
I woke up to hear a bird squawking near my window in the tree. It was not a pleasant thing to hear, so I got up to investigate. I leaned against the window ledge and looked out. I couldn't find the bird. But to my dismay, I saw a hummingbird sitting in the tree. Now, I have never seen a hummingbird sitting completely still, so I wasn't sure it was one. But it did have a very long beak. So being a bird owner, I did the obvious. I clicked my tongue to get attention. Birds like that right? hehe....I don't know but that is the first think I thought of.
The little hummingbird looked around for the noise and saw me through the open window. He started at me for a couple seconds and then took off flying...toward me! Sure enough it definitely was a hummingbird. :) The little guy flew over to me and hovered no more then 12 inches near my face. He hovered there watching me for at the least 10 seconds. I could see his beautiful red belly. His feathers were shiny and smooth. After his curiosity was gone he fluttered away, leaving me completely amazed and in awe of God's Creation.
That was an experience I will never forget. I have never thought of a hummingbird with personality until today's connection. He was so close to my face and was just as curious about me as I was about him. I am thankful that the Lord gave me that one little blessing and I will treasure it.
I woke up to hear a bird squawking near my window in the tree. It was not a pleasant thing to hear, so I got up to investigate. I leaned against the window ledge and looked out. I couldn't find the bird. But to my dismay, I saw a hummingbird sitting in the tree. Now, I have never seen a hummingbird sitting completely still, so I wasn't sure it was one. But it did have a very long beak. So being a bird owner, I did the obvious. I clicked my tongue to get attention. Birds like that right? hehe....I don't know but that is the first think I thought of.
The little hummingbird looked around for the noise and saw me through the open window. He started at me for a couple seconds and then took off flying...toward me! Sure enough it definitely was a hummingbird. :) The little guy flew over to me and hovered no more then 12 inches near my face. He hovered there watching me for at the least 10 seconds. I could see his beautiful red belly. His feathers were shiny and smooth. After his curiosity was gone he fluttered away, leaving me completely amazed and in awe of God's Creation.
That was an experience I will never forget. I have never thought of a hummingbird with personality until today's connection. He was so close to my face and was just as curious about me as I was about him. I am thankful that the Lord gave me that one little blessing and I will treasure it.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Little Picnic Ant
Friday, October 3, 2008
30 day notice to the Rescue!
We finally were able to give our 30 Day Notice, after months of not knowing when or where we were moving! I am ready to celebrate! I have been packing slowly for months. There is nothing like a 30 day notice to give a jump start. I have been scrambling like crazy packing everything up! And yes, I mean Everything! I have 95% of all my crafts, fabric, books, magazines, stamps, etc...Packed! Of course that 5% of my crafts are by my bed so I don't have any crochet withdrawal.
I have come to the realization that I have WAY too much stuff! Of course, deep down inside I already knew it. Tonight my husband took out 3 boxes (overflowing with stuff) to the car for a garage sale in about 2 weeks. I am so ready for that second bedroom, 2 walk in closets, and a second bathroom and a pantry!
What does this second bedroom mean to me? It means no more computer and crafts in the bedroom, it means no more birds taking away our dining room, it means no more tv, sewing machine, and excess super cute furniture taking up our living room. It means I will finally have a totally functional apartment. October 31st is not coming fast enough for me!
I am Counting down the Days.......
I have come to the realization that I have WAY too much stuff! Of course, deep down inside I already knew it. Tonight my husband took out 3 boxes (overflowing with stuff) to the car for a garage sale in about 2 weeks. I am so ready for that second bedroom, 2 walk in closets, and a second bathroom and a pantry!
What does this second bedroom mean to me? It means no more computer and crafts in the bedroom, it means no more birds taking away our dining room, it means no more tv, sewing machine, and excess super cute furniture taking up our living room. It means I will finally have a totally functional apartment. October 31st is not coming fast enough for me!
I am Counting down the Days.......
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Photo Shop Fun!
I found this cool new site called Zazzle.com where you can create your own designs and put them on all sorts of merchandise to sell. So, because my husband and I are both addicted to Photo Shop, we have been having a blast making our own.
Well, I woke up this morning to find....I have already sold 3 Sarah Palin/Rosie the Riveter Shirts!(UPDATE* I have sold 13 items already from t-shirts to bumper stickers) So excited about that! At the moment most of my stuff is political, but soon I want to add other interests. So if you are a republican, patriotic, or love photography, check out my store!
buy unique gifts at Zazzle
Well, I woke up this morning to find....I have already sold 3 Sarah Palin/Rosie the Riveter Shirts!(UPDATE* I have sold 13 items already from t-shirts to bumper stickers) So excited about that! At the moment most of my stuff is political, but soon I want to add other interests. So if you are a republican, patriotic, or love photography, check out my store!
buy unique gifts at Zazzle
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Edward and His Magic Straw
Here is a video my mom took of Edward their princess of whales parakeet stealing her straw. Also, check out my youtube page at www.youtube.com/bekahjan
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Grand Prize Excitement!
Hey Guys! Guess What I Won!
Wanna See More?!
Ta Da!!
Pretty Cool, Huh?!
Ok, so heres the story! My Favorite Store, Room With A Past was having a Raffle/Drawing! You got tickets for coming, bringing friends, and your purchases. Ok, I never expected to win. But I did, however, looong to win! :) Winning would be great! I mean, after all, it is my favorite store in the whole world! You could probably say I am their biggest fan. Although, it being a great store, I am sure others think they are the biggest fan. :) But I just may have them beat. Every time, I get a compliment of furniture or cute items in my home, I always say...."I got that from Room with a Past" I mean, my home is filled with treasures from them. :)
Well, yesterday morning, I got THE Call!
I won! So Excited!
Of course, I called my husband first! Because he loves the store just as much as me! Then I called my mother! And of course she was ecstatic too. :) My mother in law also called me to say congratulations. Thanks to her for coming on Sunday, I got 2 extra tickets! Can you tell, I am super excited!? Ok, enough writing....off to the pictures! The adorable shabby chic, vintage bird cage was filled with goodies....oh ya, did I mention the 100$ Gift Certificate!!!? :)
Ok, so heres the story! My Favorite Store, Room With A Past was having a Raffle/Drawing! You got tickets for coming, bringing friends, and your purchases. Ok, I never expected to win. But I did, however, looong to win! :) Winning would be great! I mean, after all, it is my favorite store in the whole world! You could probably say I am their biggest fan. Although, it being a great store, I am sure others think they are the biggest fan. :) But I just may have them beat. Every time, I get a compliment of furniture or cute items in my home, I always say...."I got that from Room with a Past" I mean, my home is filled with treasures from them. :)
Well, yesterday morning, I got THE Call!
I won! So Excited!
Of course, I called my husband first! Because he loves the store just as much as me! Then I called my mother! And of course she was ecstatic too. :) My mother in law also called me to say congratulations. Thanks to her for coming on Sunday, I got 2 extra tickets! Can you tell, I am super excited!? Ok, enough writing....off to the pictures! The adorable shabby chic, vintage bird cage was filled with goodies....oh ya, did I mention the 100$ Gift Certificate!!!? :)

Friday, August 22, 2008
Chapstick Cozy Purse Accessory
I am so excited to share with you my newest store item - a Chapstick Cozy! I found many different kinds of pictures for chapstick cozies and decided to blend everything I saw with a few twists of my own. I think it turned out perfect! I have already made one for me and one that is listed in my store. I am also going to be making a couple as gifts for friends. I am also planning on making more for my store depending on how well they sell. So dont forget to check out my store listing at: Chapstick Cozy
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Website Launch
For the past week, I have been working on my craft website, BekahJan's Whimsical Ventures. It is finally up and running. I still have a few more things left to do, including blog posts. I am stopping my recipe site, because as much as I love cooking and recipes, I have decided it is time to move onto my real passion....crafting. My vision for my website is to have helpful information, tutorials, links, books, photos, and more from different types of crafts/projects I am working on.
I am also excited to display some of my crochet pattern designs. I have already sold 2 patterns and cant wait to complete my current designs. I have also been absorbed in Quilting and Knitting. There is just so much to learn and so little time. Only 2 more months and I will have that crafting room! Cant wait!
Don't forget to stop by and sign my guest book!
I am also excited to display some of my crochet pattern designs. I have already sold 2 patterns and cant wait to complete my current designs. I have also been absorbed in Quilting and Knitting. There is just so much to learn and so little time. Only 2 more months and I will have that crafting room! Cant wait!
Don't forget to stop by and sign my guest book!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Apartments here we come!
Harrison and I are so excited about our upcoming move. Granted it is only one mile away from where we are now. But it is also one mile closer to our families and work and seconds from the freeway. We will be nestled into the hill side in a two bedroom apartment. We cant contain our excitement! I wanted to share with you the layout. It is aprox. 1092 sq ft. or bigger if you include the patio. I have been taking pictures of their building progress and will post that soon. They just finished the exterior painting and are starting on the landscape and the inside. It looks like we will be moving now at the beginning of October instead of September 15! But that is ok, it will give us more time to prepare financially and more time to pack!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
BekahJan's Amigurumi Crochet Patterns!
A few blog posts ago, I explained about my upcoming crochet patterns and Etsy Store! I have two crochet patterns created and one in progress. Today I officially finished my instructions for my first pattern! What took so long, was finding the time to get pictures taken I needed for the PDF pattern. The pattern was already written on paper over 3 weeks ago! So I will officially have items in my Etsy store this Wednesday! I am so excited to finally share a couple pictures of my first creation with you!

As of late, I have had literally over 10 projects on my to do list! In fact, I have even started at least 5 of them! I tend to overload myself! However, I will be able to work on my store full time when we move into our new apartment with the glorious second bedroom!
Introducing my Amigurumi Clownfish!

As of late, I have had literally over 10 projects on my to do list! In fact, I have even started at least 5 of them! I tend to overload myself! However, I will be able to work on my store full time when we move into our new apartment with the glorious second bedroom!
Remember to check out my store this Wednesday:
If all goes well, I will have my crochet clownfish pattern for sale and a couple of other items!
If all goes well, I will have my crochet clownfish pattern for sale and a couple of other items!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
New Endeavors!
I decided it was about time I update everyone on our recent turn of events. Harrison found this great program online through Embry-Riddle to get his bachelors degree in Aviation Business Administration. He needs his bachelors degree to become an air traffic controller, what better a way then online? Not only does this bring him closer to his dream, but it also gives him another great profession to fall back on. It also means that we will not be moving.
If its one thing we have learned, it is to wait on the Lord. We made our own timing on our plans but the Lord had other ideas. I have learned the only way to find true contentment is to follow God's plan for your life. We had our own direction, but he halted us and showed us His direction. We are very thankful for his direction in our life. We now are heading full throttle ahead. I am ready for this adventure. Let me explain at least 3 of these adventures in store for us...
1. In September we are moving to new apartments! So thrilled! This apartment is being built as I write. We have already signed the lease! We are moving into a new 2 bedroom apartment with better sound proof walls! So excited! I am so excited to move and to start decorating and setting up our new place. But I am even more excited about having my own craft room! So fun! However, I do have to share it with the birds and Harrison! The computer and tv will also be in there. But I don't mind at all!
2. Harrison received his acceptance letter to Embry-Riddle. So he will start beginning classes as soon as move! He is so excited about this!
3. I am starting my own online store! In fact, I am in the process of working on it. I still have a few more things to do, but I should have it up and running very very soon! My goal was tomorrow, but with all the house and pet sitting we have been doing this week, it has been postponed.
I better run! Harrison and I have a date that I have to prepare for. We are house sitting this week and the house has a pool! So I will be packing a picnic, Harrison will be getting off of work 2 hours early, and we will get the pool all to ourselves! I haven't been swimming in ages! We went shopping for some fun snacks yesterday! So I better pack that ice chest!
If its one thing we have learned, it is to wait on the Lord. We made our own timing on our plans but the Lord had other ideas. I have learned the only way to find true contentment is to follow God's plan for your life. We had our own direction, but he halted us and showed us His direction. We are very thankful for his direction in our life. We now are heading full throttle ahead. I am ready for this adventure. Let me explain at least 3 of these adventures in store for us...
1. In September we are moving to new apartments! So thrilled! This apartment is being built as I write. We have already signed the lease! We are moving into a new 2 bedroom apartment with better sound proof walls! So excited! I am so excited to move and to start decorating and setting up our new place. But I am even more excited about having my own craft room! So fun! However, I do have to share it with the birds and Harrison! The computer and tv will also be in there. But I don't mind at all!
2. Harrison received his acceptance letter to Embry-Riddle. So he will start beginning classes as soon as move! He is so excited about this!
3. I am starting my own online store! In fact, I am in the process of working on it. I still have a few more things to do, but I should have it up and running very very soon! My goal was tomorrow, but with all the house and pet sitting we have been doing this week, it has been postponed.
I better run! Harrison and I have a date that I have to prepare for. We are house sitting this week and the house has a pool! So I will be packing a picnic, Harrison will be getting off of work 2 hours early, and we will get the pool all to ourselves! I haven't been swimming in ages! We went shopping for some fun snacks yesterday! So I better pack that ice chest!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sewing Station to die for!
So I just HAD to share some pictures with you! :)

Monday, July 7, 2008
My Newest Plant!
So I am loving my new Hydrangea Plant! It was a very sweet anniversary gift from my mother-in-law, Andrea (and father-in-law too of course). How did she know I have always wanted a Hydrangea? I don't know. I am assuming it is because of her mother-in-law super powers. She is just cool that way! :)
So, I thought I would share a picture of my beautiful new plant! Oh, ya! I also got a really cool balloon with the plant! I think balloons are so fun! I remember in high school, Melissa and I would always get each other balloons for our birthdays.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Rosie the Riveter and our Brave Women...
"Pearl Harbor Attacked! U.S. Enters World War II! 80,000 Women Find Work In Defense Plants!"
Recently, Harrison took me to see the Rosie the Riveter memorial in Richmond. I am a big Rosie the Riveter fan! Rosie the Riveter was a media propaganda creation devised to represent and encourage those women who filled in during World War II for our men fighting over seas. Women were a giant part in winning the war. They braved the discrimination by men and went against the odds to take over the men's job while at war. They faced many obstacles and overcame them. Across the nation women worked in defense industries and support services including Shipyards, foundries, steel mills, warehouses, lumber mills, offices, hospitals and daycare centers.
I wanted to share with you some quotes from real life Rosie the Riveter women on working during the war.
"When I got my first paycheck it was $16.50 a week. I was so happy. I stuck it on my wall in the bedroom, then in the kitchen. I didn't want to cash it. I thought I was so rich."
"It was hard to convince your lead man that you could do the work. When he assigned jobs, I used to follow him around and say, "I could do that, I could do that." He got sick of me and said, "Okay do it!" And of course, I could. I could do it."
"It was in all the newspapers-they needed women workers in factories. We all got raises because my boss was afraid we'd quit and get defense jobs."
"Let me tell you this. I was 23. I never had a job. My husband was an electrician. I told him, "I'm going to work, too." He said,"No you're not." That same afternoon I went to the hiring hall."
"You must tell your children, putting modesty aside, that without us, without women, there would have been no spring in 1945."
A blog that I will be working on for the future will be in honor of our WASPS of World War II: Women Airforce Service Pilots. Stay Tuned!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Logo Preview & Etsy

I am so excited! As most of you know, I have been crocheting like crazy! As of late, I have been interested in creating and selling my own crochet patterns. Not quite sure if I could do it, I started crocheting a toy that I envisioned in my mind. I am almost done with it. I am dying to give you a glimpse of my creation, but that will have to wait until I finish it to perfection. Since I couldn't quite share yet what I have been working on, I decided I couldn't help but show you my new pattern logo. It also goes with my Etsy logo which you can view at my under construction Etsy Store.
I have a few more blogs under my sleeve that will take a little time to put together, but until then, enjoy the glimpse of my logo! :)
I have a few more blogs under my sleeve that will take a little time to put together, but until then, enjoy the glimpse of my logo! :)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
2 year Wedding Anniversary = Fun

For our 2 year Wedding Anniversary we decided to do whatever we wanted! First order of business was request Tuesday, June 24, 2008 off of work! Tuesday finally came and we headed off for fun! Harrison took me to my favorite quilt store where I bought some fun new fabric! We went to the fair for rides, a Mark Schultz concert, and a LOT of shopping on the side. :) Then headed home for movies and Strawberry Shortcake.
The concert was a blast, and the shopping was so much fun! Harrison found 2 Pepsi tin signs (which of course is hard to find), and I found an I Love Lucy sign. We also found some great vintage memorabilia. Last but not least, what is a day at the fair without stopping by the Republican booth to buy a pin! Ok, I could not bring myself to buy a McCain pin, so Instead I bought just a plain old republican pin. We ended the fair with some rides. I even got Harrison to ride a couple! All in All it was a fun and relaxing day! We both had a blast! A whole Tuesday to spend with my husband! What could be better then that?!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
My 2 Year Anniversary Present! Yay!
I'm so excited! On June 24, Harrison and I will have been married for 2 years! If you include dating and marriage that makes it 7 1/2 years together! Wow!
So Harrison ordered my Anniversary present! So cool! I get Mary Engelbreit's magazines and in the last issue there was an article on this artist by the name of Jennifer Maestre.
She makes sculptures out of Colored Pencils! Crazy huh! Well, she also does jewelry. The jewelry is pretty unique! I found her Etsy Shop and was able to see all the jewelry she is selling. I found some I liked and put them in my favorites. Well, my sneaky husband looked it up online at work and bought me 2 necklaces for our Wedding Anniversary! So cool! I am dying to get them! I thought I would share a picture of the necklaces with you. Oh, how I love that Man!
So Harrison ordered my Anniversary present! So cool! I get Mary Engelbreit's magazines and in the last issue there was an article on this artist by the name of Jennifer Maestre.
She makes sculptures out of Colored Pencils! Crazy huh! Well, she also does jewelry. The jewelry is pretty unique! I found her Etsy Shop and was able to see all the jewelry she is selling. I found some I liked and put them in my favorites. Well, my sneaky husband looked it up online at work and bought me 2 necklaces for our Wedding Anniversary! So cool! I am dying to get them! I thought I would share a picture of the necklaces with you. Oh, how I love that Man!
Necklace #1
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Little Turtle & Brother-in-law Graduation
He was so much fun to make! He turned out so cute! I love this little guy! My next project is a teddy bear. I just have the two legs left to finish him. Then I will be experimenting with different sized needles to make a bigger teddy bear! I love this hobby! Hopefully someday, I will be able to create patterns myself!
Here we are at Andrew's Graduation! He barely made it to the ceremony because of complications from his appendix surgery. He was released from the hospital the morning of graduation! The Lord was watching out for him!
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