Monday, June 30, 2008

Logo Preview & Etsy

I am so excited! As most of you know, I have been crocheting like crazy! As of late, I have been interested in creating and selling my own crochet patterns. Not quite sure if I could do it, I started crocheting a toy that I envisioned in my mind. I am almost done with it. I am dying to give you a glimpse of my creation, but that will have to wait until I finish it to perfection. Since I couldn't quite share yet what I have been working on, I decided I couldn't help but show you my new pattern logo. It also goes with my Etsy logo which you can view at my under construction Etsy Store.

I have a few more blogs under my sleeve that will take a little time to put together, but until then, enjoy the glimpse of my logo! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2 year Wedding Anniversary = Fun

For our 2 year Wedding Anniversary we decided to do whatever we wanted! First order of business was request Tuesday, June 24, 2008 off of work! Tuesday finally came and we headed off for fun! Harrison took me to my favorite quilt store where I bought some fun new fabric! We went to the fair for rides, a Mark Schultz concert, and a LOT of shopping on the side. :) Then headed home for movies and Strawberry Shortcake.

The concert was a blast, and the shopping was so much fun! Harrison found 2 Pepsi tin signs (which of course is hard to find), and I found an I Love Lucy sign. We also found some great vintage memorabilia. Last but not least, what is a day at the fair without stopping by the Republican booth to buy a pin! Ok, I could not bring myself to buy a McCain pin, so Instead I bought just a plain old republican pin. We ended the fair with some rides. I even got Harrison to ride a couple! All in All it was a fun and relaxing day! We both had a blast! A whole Tuesday to spend with my husband! What could be better then that?!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My 2 Year Anniversary Present! Yay!

I'm so excited! On June 24, Harrison and I will have been married for 2 years! If you include dating and marriage that makes it 7 1/2 years together! Wow!

So Harrison ordered my Anniversary present! So cool! I get Mary Engelbreit's magazines and in the last issue there was an article on this artist by the name of Jennifer Maestre.

She makes sculptures out of Colored Pencils! Crazy huh! Well, she also does jewelry. The jewelry is pretty unique! I found her Etsy Shop and was able to see all the jewelry she is selling. I found some I liked and put them in my favorites. Well, my sneaky husband looked it up online at work and bought me 2 necklaces for our Wedding Anniversary! So cool! I am dying to get them! I thought I would share a picture of the necklaces with you. Oh, how I love that Man!

Necklace #1

Necklace #2 Front

Necklace #2 Back

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Little Turtle & Brother-in-law Graduation

He was so much fun to make! He turned out so cute! I love this little guy! My next project is a teddy bear. I just have the two legs left to finish him. Then I will be experimenting with different sized needles to make a bigger teddy bear! I love this hobby! Hopefully someday, I will be able to create patterns myself!

Here we are at Andrew's Graduation! He barely made it to the ceremony because of complications from his appendix surgery. He was released from the hospital the morning of graduation! The Lord was watching out for him!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Gretel - my little Austrian Girl

I crochet this cute doll from an Ana Paula Rimoli pattern! I absolutely adore her! She reminded me of the little Austrian girl in the Sound of Music, so I named her Gretel. :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Enough for Strawberry Shortcake?

I don't think I have enough strawberries to make Strawberry Shortcake. Although, however small the fruit outtake, I am still enjoying my strawberry plant. I thought it would be fun to share pictures of its metamorphosis - from a beautiful flower to a luscious berry. This is the first Strawberry on our plant, and I enjoyed every bite of it!

A Diary of Life's Adventures!