Well, we stopped by just to see if there were any small treasures there. Well, we were wrong...there were some BIG treasures there! Ok, so we saw this adorable table (pictured above, photo courtesy of roomwithapast.com) that we had to get. So we told them we wanted it and they moved it out of the way and replaced it with a new sale item. Well, we bought the new sale item too! A Desk! I have been needing a good desk, because I don't like Harrison's old one. Its too clunky and heavy. I cant wait to post additional pictures of my finds. At the moment they are at my mom's house. I plan on painting the desk this week so I can move it into it's new home! So check back soon for more pictures of our finds!
I hope you enjoyed my garage sale pictures! They were fun to take! Now that the garage sale is over, my next project is planning the games for Heather's baby shower! I have some pretty good leads on games. Now I just need to downsize my list. So this week, I will be shopping and planning for the games. My mother is throwing the shower for her, so I will be helping! It's a lot of work, but tons of fun! I have a few fun tricks up my sleeve for games. I wanted something original, yet unique and fun! And most of all easy! I will try to update you after the shower with pictures and how the games went! Well, back to cleaning and baby shower planning! ~Rebekah