This weekend has been one of fear and turmoil because our beloved pet bird, Tootsie, is in the hospital. We noticed something that wasn't quite right and brought her to the avian vet. If we hadn't have done that, it is very likely very soon we would have found her on the bottom of her cage, dead.
The Lord was in all of this, because last Thursday I was prompted to call Harrison and have him call the vet. You cant always go by feelings, but sometimes there can be a nagging that you need to follow. In this case, that feeling that I believe was prompted by God, saved my bird's life.
She ended up having serious kidney problems. She has been having fluid therapy since last Friday. I miss her so much, but I know she is getting all the care she could possibly get.
She is not out of the clear yet, but I know that she is in good hands.
We were able to visit her on Saturday, which is something I needed. It is so strange that such a small bird can have such an impact on ones life. We were able to visit her in the surgery room. The nurse brought her in to us holding her in her hands.
Tootsie is so scared of being grabbed. So when she got on my finger she knew she was safe and started cuddling with me while blurting out sweet coos. She just stood on my finger, enjoying me kissing her head. She then hopped on my shoulder and started preening, like "ok, I'm ready to go home now".
After handing her back to the nurse, Tootsie rode on her shoulder back to the treatment room staring at me with her big black eyes all the way down the hallway. She even let out a chirp as she rounded the corner.
You might say, thats a lot of work to go through for just an animal. But in the Bible it says, even God's eyes are on the sparrow.
"Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God." Luke 12:6
We were meant to care for everything on the earth and that includes birds. :)
I love you Tootsie!
It has arrived! My new JUKI TL-98 Q sewing machine. So excited to finally be able to finish my quilts instead of just acquiring quilt tops. I will even be able to reupholster and sew curtains with this industrial strength machine.
But craft room must get organized. Talk about incentive. :)
We finally bought a new couch! Since we moved, our living room has been a mess. Its amazing how a couch changes all of that. So, I have been busy sanding, painting, and decorating. Our home study visit from the adoption agency is driving me to keep going. After the living room comes the dining room. I have some very special furniture for that room. :)
The search for an adoption agency is a scary thing. Wanting to pick the right one amidst the many options, but not quite knowing where to look. Then Harrison hit the jackpot, a website that lists all the adoption agencies in California by County. So cool!
So Tuesday night after Harrison went to bed, I began searching the site. Up until then, Harrison was doing all the research. So I was very curious what was out there. I went through link after link until I found one that intrigued me.
They had everything we were interested in AND they had interviews from adoptive parents who used there agency. It was wonderful. I cried through most of the interviews. So many wonderful stories of adoption. In my heart, I felt this was the one for us.
But this was in my heart. I wanted Harrison to feel like this was right without any input from me. So I prayed that if this was the Lord's will, that He would show Harrison this agency and put it on his heart this was the right one.
The next day, Harrison e-mailed me from work with his top 5 choices and said his first choice already e-mailed all the information we needed to him. Wow! that was fast. I looked at his top choice, praying it was the one I found last night.
There it was. The agency I found right on top in number 1 position. I was thrilled. I called Harrison and said in tears "We found our agency". We are both so at peace with our choice.
This is what I call.... Simply Providential.
We are so excited to jump into this process. We have so many fears and worries, but I know we are surrounded with prayer. The Lord has worked everything out so perfectly. I know He will work the future out. We are excited to see what His will unfolds.
Let the Journey Begin!
Sunday was such a beautiful day for Harrison and I.The weather was so beautiful, cool, crisp, and sunny. Flowers were blooming and bird's were singing.
Two days previous we told my parents about adoption and on this beautiful day we told Harrison's parents.
We told my parents at the Cheesecake factory and then Harrison's parents at Claim Jumpers. Things just went so smoothly and joyfully. Our families reactions of joy really meant a lot to us. With our families support, we are so very excited to start this new blessed adventure.
We have enjoyed our new rental house tremendously. We even have a little park, literally a 1 minute walk away. So we decided to take advantage and go for a walk.
Excitement was in the air as we walked hand in hand to the park. What a fun park it was too and to live only 2 houses down is awesome.
Who knew that only around the bend was a lake full of fish, turtles, ducks, geese and even a bunny sighting. First, we met the ducks and geese with a bag of bread. They welcomed us warmly. Wait till we bring them cracked corn, they will love us. :)
We even found this cute little cotton tail.
If you look closely at the photo below, you can see a turtle sun bathing.

It was a lovely day indeed.