So excited about my recent craft! Go check it out at:! These Embroidery Bobbins were so fun to make! They were so easy too! I found this great idea from Heather Bailey! I even used her fabric as background for my pictures! :)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
In the midst of Chaos.....
In the midst of Chaos... there is always beauty!
Some days there are times where everything goes wrong...but if you look hard there is always something of beauty. Today is one of those days for me.
My Apartment Complex. Enough said. If you read my blog you know that they have caused so many problems and today is no different. There are a total of 9 fire sprinklers in our apartment. We were informed after one postponement that there were annual testings to be done. 2 days worth. One for everybody and one random apartment with fire marshal. Ok, fair enough, even though they should have done that 6 months ago when the complex opened instead of waiting for people to move in. This entailed lots of cleaning and hiding stuff that could get ruined by the workers or that were in their way. We even had to move our 3 birds over to my parents for today and tomorrow.
So today comes, my husband took 1/2 day off of work unpaid, and we got up by 8:00am and waited and waited and waited. Harrison left for work, then I waited and waited.... Until 3:15pm. Harrison called and was informed that they went into every apartment and if you weren't home they had keys. Well, just our luck, they missed us. Everybody is already gone, So they might have to reschedule which entails another shifting around of stuff and another hassle of transferring our birds somewhere else, and another wasted day waiting when I could be getting stuff done. Oh, ya and all that happens after I put everything back to the way it was.
I spent a lot of time working around this apartments demands and they pass over us. Anger set in real fast. It is times like these where I just need to realize that the Lord is in control over my life. In hindsight I might laugh at this, ok, I said might. :) Even though things went awry, I know that...
all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28I then start to think about the positive things that have come out of this. For example, my craft room is really shaping up! But most of all, in the midst of chaos I am thankful for things of beauty God has given us. For example..this lovely picture (above) I took today of my Hydrangea blooming. The Lord knew I needed to find these beautiful blooms.
This Bible verse has given me comfort this past month when I feel discouraged...
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6No matter what life throws at me, I know that I am in His hands.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
DIY: Pampering Body Scrub!

Mine turned out great! I even found a cute jar to put it in! :)
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