Friday, October 3, 2008

30 day notice to the Rescue!

We finally were able to give our 30 Day Notice, after months of not knowing when or where we were moving! I am ready to celebrate! I have been packing slowly for months. There is nothing like a 30 day notice to give a jump start. I have been scrambling like crazy packing everything up! And yes, I mean Everything! I have 95% of all my crafts, fabric, books, magazines, stamps, etc...Packed! Of course that 5% of my crafts are by my bed so I don't have any crochet withdrawal.

I have come to the realization that I have WAY too much stuff! Of course, deep down inside I already knew it. Tonight my husband took out 3 boxes (overflowing with stuff) to the car for a garage sale in about 2 weeks. I am so ready for that second bedroom, 2 walk in closets, and a second bathroom and a pantry!

What does this second bedroom mean to me? It means no more computer and crafts in the bedroom, it means no more birds taking away our dining room, it means no more tv, sewing machine, and excess super cute furniture taking up our living room. It means I will finally have a totally functional apartment. October 31st is not coming fast enough for me!

I am Counting down the Days.......
A Diary of Life's Adventures!