Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Overwhelming Crafting Desires

These past 2 weeks, I have become aware of a new addiction. I have a fabric addiction! Yes, I can't get enough of fabric. I love fabric! But what good is fabric if you don't do anything with it. So I have decided to remedy that and take up Quilting. I like to sew, but hate sewing clothes. I can get by with the basic clothing sewing such as costumes for our church Harvest Festival and the occasional pajama bottoms. But that is not my forte. I think quilting just might be my forte. We shall see.

I love shabby chic and retro fabric, but never knew where to find such fabric that didn't cost a fortune. I grew up only knowing about your local Joanne Fabrics and your typical craft/fabric store. But what I didn't realize is that there are all sorts of quilting shops that specialize in stocking the newest fabric lines and quilting! I am now addicted!

I found one quilting store in Danville thanks to the world of blogging, which caused me to look up other quilting stores! I found out that there are 3 really good quilting stores within 30 miles. I have their store websites on my links list or at the end of this blog.

I have 3 absolutely favorite lines of fabric. The first would have to be Fresh Cut by Heather Bailey, second would have to be Swell by Moda, and third would have to be Simplicity by Moda! Below are pictures of some of my fabric finds!

I have been searching far and wide for any store that carries Heather Bailey's line called Fresh Cut. It has been like a scavenger hunt. Many of the stores are out of her line and since her new line comes out soon, they will not be reordering. I will post all of the fabric I purchased from her line in a later blog. I went back to the quilting store today searching for anything I can find by Fresh Cut. I came to the realization, that I would have to order some of her fabric online. That is if I can still find it online.

Just when I decided to give up, I started talking to one of the employees and found out she has some extra fabric that she doesn't need! So we are meeting on Thursday and she is going to show me her fabric to buy. I cant wait! Isn't the Lord wonderful?! He dropped it right in my lap.

I found 3 great quilting stores in my area! The first is in Danville, The Quilters Inn. The second is in Concord, Thimble Creek. And third is in Lafayette, The Cotton Patch. I was able to get some great fabric and quilting idea's from these stores!
A Diary of Life's Adventures!